YOU MAY REQUEST A PERUSAL SCRIPT DOWNLOAD by clicking HERE, and access song clips, plot summaries, cast requirements, performance specifications, photos, videos, lyrics, sample scores and more HERE.

School Purchase Orders are also accepted.
Download the Performance License and mail it in with your School's information.
Performance rights must be purchased separately @ $100 per performance. 



HIERONYMUS is a colorful, romantic fantasy about medieval artist, Hieronymus Bosch. When Hieronymus begins courting Anna, the daughter of a wealthy art patron, he finds himself in a difficult position. It seems there are a great many odd creatures living in his house, a result of his over-active imagination. This fact he attempts to hide from Anna and the public. Anna soon discovers the creatures, though she is instantly won over by the cute Sophie, and the funny pair of Otto and Gregor. However, Erasmus, a jealous admirer of Anna, also learns of the creatures and attempts to have Hieronymus arrested by Church authorities for the practice of black magic (a serious matter in these times).

Though Anna is brave at first about the creatures, she is also concerned about having a normal and wholesome home in which to raise a future family. She attempts to change Hieronymus’ ways, an improbable wish, and is left to do some serious soul-searching. As Hieronymus' imagination leads him deeper and deeper into trouble, he abandons it for a time, even denying the existence of his beloved creatures. Near the end, the desperate Erasmus kidnaps Sophie, and it is Anna who rises to the occasion, pleading with Hieronymus to again use his imagination in order to save her.

DIGITAL DOWNLOAD INCLUDES the complete script, vocal/chorus score, piano/conductor's score, orchestrations for a 17 pc. band (plus alternate keyboard string part), detailed production notes, set designs, costume notes, reproducibles, and more, all in PDF format (PRINT AS MANY COPIES AS YOU NEED!). Also included are full-color logos and show posters, fonts, complete production/rehearsal/backing tracks and sound effects, a professionally sung cast recording of the complete show, mp3 files of the cast recording (for actor's to practice with on their mp3 players), and fully-orchestrated midi and Sibelius files (in case you need to print out songs in a different key). Hieronymus also includes electronic slides for projection as called for in the script.


THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY T. E. BREITENBACH STUDIOS and is .© Copyright T. E. Breitenbach.
All the artwork, text, and music on this web site is subject to copyright and cannot be used
without prior written permission from T. E. Breitenbach.