Proverbidioms is completed in
1975. The artist is 24 years old.
Proverbidioms is published as a
poster, 1980-present
Proverbidioms the poster is digitally re-mastered and
published in an ultra-sharp edition, 2013
Proverbidioms is used as a set piece for a Touchstone / Disney TV pilot
tentatively titled "Paranormal
Girl", 2002
Proverbidioms appears in episodes of the television show
Hills 90210", Late 1990s
Proverbidioms and other posters
appear on the set of
"As the World Turns"
Breitenbach's Shakespearience
appears on the set of Saved by the Bell: The College
Episode 1,
first aired May 22, 1993, 15 minutes in at Zach's party for
A Proverbidioms short film plays numerous times on Public Television,
Early 1980s
Proverbidioms is pictured and/or discussed in the following
Inspiring Artists Series: Pieter Bruegel The Elder,
by Paul Rockett. Page 19.
Proverbidioms and 2 details are pictured
and discussed in a chapter
titled "Painted Puzzles" in this British
children's book series, 2016
Behold the Proverbs of a People; Proverbial Wisdom in
Culture, Literature, &
Politics, by Wolfgang Mieder, cover image,
Proverbidioms: All the Answers & Trivia, by T. E.
Published as
an eBook late December 2011, and updated January 2012
Proverbium: Yearbook of
International Proverb Scholarship (No.26 2009),
"Creating a
New Painting of Proverbs; Proverbidioms IV: Who Missed the
T.E.Breitenbach, Edited by Wolfgang Mieder, 2009 (upcoming)
Proverbs Speak Louder Than Words, Wolfgang Mieder, pages
267-269, 2008
Proverbium: Yearbook of
International Proverb Scholarship (No.24 2007),
"The Proverb World of Thom Breitenbach. An Analysis of
Bastian Scherbeck, Edited by
Wolfgang Mieder, 2007
Guia e Recursos Didáticos, Projeto Buriti, Brazil. An
educational children's series.
Pages XXIV, 190-191, published 2007
Von Bruegel bis Breitenbach,
Sprichwortdarstellungen im Wandel
Jahrhunderte, Bastian Scherbeck (masters thesis), Nurnberg, 2004
The Netherlandish Proverbs, Edited by
Wolfgang Meider, full-color
illus. of
Proverbidioms and discussion, pages 229-232, 2004
What's in a Word, Robert Gorrell
(jacket, Prov.II), 2001
Marketing Your Clinical Practice, Neil
Baum, Gretchen Henkel, 1998, 2000, 2004
medical practice book in which Proverbidioms is
as the ideal waiting room art)
Proverb Iconography, Wolfgang Mieder
& Janet Sobieski, 1999
A Proverbs in Mind: The Cognitive Science of Proverbial Wit &
Richard P. Honeck, (pg. 204), 1997
Proverbs Are Never Out of Season,
Wolfgang Mieder, 1997
Preaching Proverbs, Alyce M.
McKenzie (book jacket), 1996
Take Charge of Your Medical Practice: Before
Someone Else Does It for You,
Neil Baum, Elaine
Zablocki, 1996 (Proverbidioms is recommended)
Watch Your Language, Robert Gorrell,
Magazine, (cover, plus article discussion and detail) Fall 1990
Tradition and Innovation in Folk Literature,
Wolfgang Mieder, (pg. 120) ISBN 0874513871, 1987
Psychology Today, a psychology
textbook, 1980s
CAPS 1977-78, A Catalog of New York State Artists, 1978
Proverbidioms republished as a jigsaw puzzle by SunsOut,
along with others, 1995-2005
Proverbidioms becomes the best-selling jigsaw puzzle for Bits and Pieces, 1992-1996
A new Android and Google Play version of
Proverbidioms and other paintings is released.
The company is renamed Long View Labs, 2019
Proverbidioms is licensed by Greenstone Games of
New Zealand and published as an iPad/iPhone App. Programming is by AppStudio located in Israel. A free or light version
is offered along with the in-app ability to purchase all
four complete Proverbidioms pictures, 2011.
Proverbidioms is licensed for calendars by
Avalanche/Lang Publishing beginning with 2009
Proverbidioms inspires a song and an album title,
Proverb-idioms by Math Judson, 2014
Proverbidioms inspires a song of the same title, by the hardcore
Multiple Personalities. It appears on their CD
Dealing With Disorder, 2002
Counterfiet, large-scale,
canvas Proverbidioms wall art is discovered being sold on
Amazon from a Chinese company, 2022
Counterfiet Proverbidioms
posters, at a smaller scale are discovered being sold on
Amazon out
of India, 2019
Proverbidioms posters were sold by Image Masters, 1983 - 1985 and
again in 1996. Identification: Posters are slightly blurry,
yet the printing on the
book in the foreground is sharp. Some of the
posters measure only
26" across rather than 28".
600 smaller sized counterfeits are seized in New Orleans, and traced to a dead end in
Texas, 1992. Identification: Artist's name and copyright
are removed/blacked out.
PLEASE REPORT any suspicious Proverbidioms posters! Thanks!
Proverbidioms, The Art of T. E. Breitenbach - A Documentary
is released. 2019
lesson plans published, 1992
Proverbidioms is used extensively in classrooms
across the US.
Proverbidioms is used extensively in over 100
countries across the globe
by several organizations, as a device for teaching advanced
comprehension to
foreign students.
Proverbidioms is used for teaching the deaf. Several
Video CDs were
published showing how to teach with
Proverbidioms is also used by
speech therapists.
Proverbidioms is used for
corporate workshops about creativity.
According to its founder Ann Friedman, Proverbidioms
inspired a museum in Washington, D.C. named Planet Word. She
used to use the poster to teach her English students. It
opened October, 2020.
Some notable displays of Proverbidioms
include: The New York State Museum,
The Fashion Institute of Technology, Rhode Island
School of Design,
The Snite Museum of Art at the University of
Notre Dame,
Center Galleries, Dietel Gallery at Emma Willard,
Art Expo New York, The
Canajoharie Library and Art Museum,
and the New York State Legislative Office Building.
T-Shirts were manufactured using details from the painting, Early 1980's
The artist invents a board game version of
It has
never been published, 1992
Greenstone Games publishes Proverbidioms as an iPad
app, 2012
Proverbidioms is available for merchandise licensing. Contact us if
are serious about marketing a product using
the Proverbidioms
name or images.
Last updated February 2012. Copyright T. E. Breitenbach. All
rights reserved.